Visit the famous cities of Baghdad, Najaf, and Karbala.we propose visiting the one-of-a-kind shrines in Karbala (Imam Husayn Shrine) and Najaf (Imam Ali Shrine).and In Baghdad City Tour and (Shrine of Sheikh Abdul Qadir)
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TOUR HIGHLIGHTED : Hazrat Ali (AS) Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) Shrine Baghdad-Karbala-Najaf
7 Day Best Iraq Ziarat Tour Package
Day 1: Arrival – Baghdad
Meet and greet at the Baghdad International Airport with our professional tour guide then, on the way to Hotel having a dinner and rest the night.
Day 2: Baghdad – Madain [50 min (42KM)]
Full day tour in Baghdad, visiting Syeikh Abdul Jabbar JailaniSyeikh Abu Saleh JailaniFull Then drive toward Madain to visitKhawaja Sirri Saqti ShrineAbu al-Hasan Sari (al Sirri) b. al-Maghallis al-Saqati (867CE) (Arabic:سری سقطی) was one of the early Muslim Sufis saint of Baghdad. He was a student of Maruf Karkhi. He was also a friend of Bishr al-Hafi. He was uncle and spiritual master of Junayd of Baghdad.Bailul shrineSheikh Maharoof kharki Shrine
Day 3: Baghdad
Start the daily tour by visiting
Shahab al-Din Abu Hafs Umar Suhrawardi ShrineShaykh Shahab al-Din Abu Hafs Umar Suhrawardi (c.1145-1234) was a Persian Sufi and nephew of Abu al-Najib Suhrawardi. He expanded the Sufi order of Suhrawardiyya that had been created by his uncle Abu al-Najib Suhrawardi and is the person responsible for officially formalizing the order. Suhrawardi is the author of the Awarif ul-Maarif, which is recognized as a masterpiece work in Tasawwuf.
Saint NuriAhmed Ibn Abu al-Hussain al-Nuri (Persian: ابو الحسین النوری) (died 908 AD), known also as Nuri, was a famous early Sufi saint. He was of Persian origins but born in Baghdad in 840 CE where spent most of his life. He is the author of Maqamat al-qulub (Stations of the Hearts). He is famous for saying, “I love God and God loves me”. He is one of the earliest Sufis who was clearly mystical as illustrated by his saying “Joining with the Truth is parting from everything else, as parting with everything else is joining with it”
Sheikh Al GhazaliAl-Ghazali (/ˈɡɑːzɑːli/; full name Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Ghazālī أبو حامد محمد بن محمد الغزالي; Latinized Algazelus or Algazel, c. 1058 – 19 December 1111) was one of the most prominent and influential philosophers, theologians, jurists, and mystics of Sunni Islam. He was of Persian origin. Islamic tradition considers him to be a Mujaddid, a renewer of the faith who, according to the prophetic hadith, appears once every century to restore the faith of the ummah (“the Islamic Community”). His works were so highly acclaimed by his contemporaries that al-Ghazali was awarded the honorific title “Proof of Islam” (Hujjat al-Islam).
Imam Abu Hanifa ShrineThe Abu Hanifa Mosque (Arabic: مسجد أبو حنيفة Masjid abū Ḥanīfah) or (Arabic: مسجد أبي حنيفة Masjid abī Ḥanīfah) also known as (Arabic: جامع الإمام الأعظم Gāmi` al-imām al-aʿẓam) is one of the most prominent Sunni mosques in Baghdad, Iraq. It is built around the tomb of Abu Hanifah an-Nu’man, the founder of the Hanafi madhhab or school of Islamic religious jurisprudence. It is in the al-Adhamiyah district of northern Baghdad, which is named after Abu Hanifa’s reverential epithet Al-imām al-aʿẓam (“The Great Leader”).
Day 4: Baghdad – Madain
Last day in Baghdad tour start with visiting
Imam Musa Al Kazim ShrineMūsá ibn Ja‘far al-Kāzim (Arabic: موسى بن جعفر الكاظم), also called Abūl-Hasan, Abū Abd Allah, Abū Ibrāhīm, and al-Kāzim (the one who controls his anger), was the seventh Shiite Imam after his father Ja’far al-Sadiq. He is regarded by Sunnis as a renowned scholar and was a contemporary of the Abbasid caliphs Al-Mansur, Al-Hadi, Al-Mahdi and Harun al-Rashid. He was imprisoned several times; finally dying in Baghdad in the Sindi ibn Shahak prison.
Imam Muhammad Al Jawad ShrineMuhammad ibn ‘Alī ibn Mūsā (Arabic: محمد ابن علی ابن موسی ) (circa April 12, 811 – c. November 29, 835) was the ninth of the Twelve Imams and a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. He was also called Abu Ja’far, Ibn al-Ridha (“the son of al-Ridha); al-Jawād (“the generous”) and al-Taqī (“the pious”). His role is celebrated by the largest branch of Shia Islam, the Twelver or Athnā‘ashariyyah branch. According to Shiite accounts, he was poisoned by his wife and died at age 25, the shortest-lived of the Twelve.
Salman Mohammadi Farsi ShrineSalman the Persian or Salman al-Farsi (Arabic: سلمان الفارسي Salmān al-Fārisī), born Rouzbeh (Persian: روزبه), was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the first Persian who converted to Islam. During some of his later meetings with the other Sahabah, he was referred to as Abu Abdullah (“Father of Abdullah”). He is credited with the suggestion of digging a trench around Medina when it was attacked by Mecca in the Battle of the Trench. He was raised as a Zoroastrian, then attracted to Christianity, and then converted to Islam after meeting Muhammad in the city of Yathrib, which later became Medina.
Huzaifa Al Yamani ShrineHudhayfah ibn al-Yaman in Arabic حذيفة بن اليمان (died in 656) was one of the Sahabah (companion) of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.
Abdullah Ibn Jabir Ansari ShrineJabir ibn ʿAbdullah ibn ʾAmr ibn Haram al-Ansari (Arabic: جابر بن عبدالله بن عمرو بن حرام الأنصاري, died 697 CE/78 AH) was a prominent companion of Muhammad.
Imam Muhammad Tahir Bin ImamMuhammad al-Ṭāhir ibn ʿĀshūr (full name محمد الطاهر ابن محمد ابن محمد الطاهر ابن عاشور Muḥammad al-Ṭāhir ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Ṭāhir ibn ʿĀshūr; 1879 – August 1973) was a graduate of University of Ez-Zitouna and a well known Islamic scholar. He studied classical Islamic scholarship with reform-minded scholars. He became a judge then Shaikh al-Islām in 1932. He was a writer and author on the subject of reforming Islamic education and jurisprudence. He is best remembered for his Quranic exegesis, al-Tahrir wa’l-tanwir (The Verification and Enlightenment).
Mohammed Baaker Shrine
Taq KasraTāq Kasrā, also transcribed as Taq-i Kisra, Taq-e Kesra, (Persian: طاق کسری) and Ayvān-e Kasrā (Persian: ایوانِ کسری); meaning Iwan of Khosrow) are names given to the remains of a ca. 3rd–6th century Sasanian-era Persian monument, which is sometimes called the Archway of Ctesiphon. It is located near the modern town of Salman Pak, Iraq. It is the only visible remaining structure of the ancient city of Ctesiphon. The archway is considered a landmark in the history of architecture and is the largest single-span vault of unreinforced brickwork in the world.
Junayd Baghdadi ShrineJunayd of Baghdad (835–910) was a Persian mystic and one of the most famous of the early Saints of Islam. He is a central figure in the spiritual lineage of many Sufi orders. Junayd taught in Baghdad throughout his lifetime and was an important figure in the development of Sufi doctrine. Junayd, like Hasan of Basra before him, was widely revered by his students and disciples as well as quoted by other mystics. Because of his importance in Sufi theology, Junayd was often referred to as the “Sultan”.
Day 5: Baghdad – Karbala – Najaf [3 h 5 min (179 km)]
Descend and drive to Cairo. On the way visit Ouyun Moosa, burning Bush, Cow relief, the tomb of prophet Haroon, Suez Tunnel
Aulad e Muslim, Muhammad and Ibrahim ShrineMuhammad ibn Muslim (Arabic: محمد بن مسلم) and Ibraheem ibn Muslim (Arabic: إبراهيم بن مسلم) were the sons of Muslim ibn Aqeel and the grandsons of Aqeel ibn Abu Talib. Muslim ibn Aqeel was the messenger of Hussain ibn Ali to the people of Kufa, while Aqeel ibn Abu Talib was the brother of Ali ibn Abu Talib and the cousin of Muhammad. These children are also included among the martyrs of the Battle of Karbala.
Imam Aon ShrineShrine of Aon bin Abdullah bin Jaffar Tayar.
Imam Husayn ShrineThe Imam Husain Shrine or the Station of Imam Husayn ibn Ali (Arabic: مَقـام الإمـام الـحـسـيـن ابـن عـلي, translit. Maqām al-Imām al-Ḥusayn ibn ‘Alī) is the mosque and burial site of Husayn ibn Ali, the third Imam of Islam, in the city of Karbala’, Iraq. It stands on the site of the Mausoleum of Imam Husayn, who was a grandson of Muhammad, near the place where he was martyred during the Battle of Karbala’ in 680 C.E. The tomb of Imam Husayn is one of the holiest places for Shi‘ites, outside of Mecca and Medina, and many make pilgrimages to the site. Every year, millions of pilgrims visit the city to observe Ashura, which marks the anniversary of Imam Husayn’s death. Every year for arba’een rituals that occurs forty days after the Day of Ashura up to 45 million people goes to the city of Karbala in Iraq.
Imam Hussain, Martyr placeOn his path towards Kufah, Al-Husayn encountered the army of Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad. Husayn addressed the Kufans’ army, reminding them that they had invited him to come because they were without an Imam. He told them that he intended to proceed to Kufah with their support, but if they were now opposed to his coming, he would return to where he had come from. However, the army urged him to choose another way. Thus, he turned to left and reached Karbala, where the army forced him not to go further, and stop at a location that was without water.
Imam Abbas ShrineThe Al-‘Abbās Mosque or Masjid al-‘Abbās (Arabic: مسجد الامام العباس) is the mausoleum of ‘Abbās ibn ‘Alī and historical building, located across from the Imām Husayn Mosque in Karbalā, Iraq. ‘Abbās was the son of Ali ibn Abi Talib and the half-brother of Hasan and Husayn and was the flag-bearer for Husayn in the Battle of Karbalā. Also, he was the chief of the caravans of Husayn ibn Ali. The distance between the shrines of ‘Abbās and Husayn is the same as the distance between the hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah. The shrine is especially revered by the Shia who visit it every year, in the month of Muharram rather than various other times of the year.
Imam Ali Akbar Shrine‘Ali al-Akbar ibn Al-Husayn (Arabic: علي الأكبر ابن الحسين), or simply “Ali al-Akbar,” was the son of Al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali, the third Shi‘ite Imam, and Umme Layla. He was killed at the age of 18 on the day of ‘Ashura’, in Karbala’. ‘Ali Al-Akbar is highly respected by Shia Muslim and also respected by Sunni Muslims. According to Jean Calmard writing in Iranica, ‘Ali al-Akbar’s reputation as a valiant warrior of the Household of Muhammad might have preceded that of Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Ali.
72 Shuhada (Martyrs) of KarbalaThe battle took place on Muharram 10, in the year 61 AH of the Islamic calendar (October 10, 680 AD) in Karbala, situated in present-day Iraq. The battle was between Caliph Yazid’s army from Syria reinforced by troops from Kufa, and the caravan of families and friends of Husayn Ibn Ali, the grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. It is claimed that 72 men (including Husayn’s 6 months old baby son) of Husayn’s companions were killed by the forces of Yazid.
Imam Ali Asghar Shrine‘Abdullah ‘Ali al-Asghar ibn Al-Husayn (09 Rajab 60 AH – 10 Muharram 61 AH (10 October 680 CE)), or simply ‘Ali Asghar (“Younger ‘Ali”), was the youngest child of Al-Husayn (son of ‘Ali, grandson of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad and the third Imam) and Rubab bint Imra’ al-Qays. He was martyred during the Battle of Karbala, and is commemorated in Shi‘ism as the “personified quintessence of the innocent victim.”
Hussaini CampWalking for 5 minutes from Imam Hussain shrine reaching to Al Jumhuriya street you will find Imam Husain Camp shrine. The shrine building has a famous name is known as Khaima-gah. The site which is designed as a shrine does not contain any graves but it is a memorial place where the tents of Imam Hussain(a.s.), his companions and family members were situated.
Day 6: Najaf – Hilla [1 h 5 min (69.6 km)
Tour to the great Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx and Valley of Temple. Egyptian Museum. Al Hussein Mosque.
Prophet Ayub ShrineConstruction of the building began during the reign of Mohammad shah Qajar and the first years of the reign of Naser al-Din shah ended
Rahima Bibi (Wife of Hazrat Ayyub A.S)
Healing Well
Birthplace of Prophet IbrahimIbrahim, known as Abraham in the Hebrew Bible, is recognized as a prophet and messenger in Islam of God. Abraham plays a prominent role as an example of faith in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In Muslim belief, Abraham fulfilled all the commandments and trials wherein God nurtured him throughout his lifetime.
BorsippaBorsippa (Sumerian: BAD.SI.(A).AB.BAKI; Akkadian: Barsip and Til-Barsip) or Birs Nimrud (having been identified with Nimrod) is an archaeological site in Babylon Province, Iraq. The ziggurat, the “Tongue Tower,” today one of the most vividly identifiable surviving ziggurats, is identified in the later Talmudic and Arabic culture with the Tower of Babel.
Prophet Dhul Kifl ShrineDhul-Kifl, or Zul-Kifl (Arabic: ذُو ٱلْكِفْل) literally meaning “Possessor of the Fold”) (c. 600 BCE) is an Islamic prophet who has been identified with various Hebrew Bible prophets, most commonly Ezekiel. It is believed that he lived for roughly 75 years and that he preached in what is modern day Iraq. Dhul-Kifl is believed to have been exalted by God to a high station in life and is chronicled in the Qur’an as a man of the “Company of the Good”.
Imam Ali ShrineThe Sanctuary of Imam ‘Ali (Arabic: حَـرَم ٱلْإِمَـام عَـلِي, translit. Ḥaram al-Imām ‘Alī), also known as the Mosque of ‘Ali (Arabic: مَـسْـجِـد عَـلِي, translit. Masjid ‘Alī), located in Najaf, Iraq, is a Shi’ite Muslim mosque housing the tomb of ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib, the cousin of Muhammad and the first Shi’ite Imam after him, and the fourth Sunni Rashid Caliph. According to Shi’ite belief, buried next to Ali within this mosque are the remains of Adam and Nuh (Noah). Each year millions of pilgrims visit the Shrine and pay tribute to Imam Ali.
Day 7: Najaf – Baghdad International Airport
[2 h 30 min (191 km)]In last day of your trip, will drive toward Kufa visiting
Grand mosque of KufaThe Great Mosque of Kufa, or Masjid al-Kūfa (Arabic: مسجد الكوفة المعظم/الأعظم), or Masjid al-Mu’azam/al-A’azam located in Kūfa, Iraq, is one of the earliest and holiest surviving mosques in the world. The mosque, built in the 7th century, contains the remains of Muslim ibn ‘Aqīl – first cousin of Imām Husayn ibn ‘Alī, his companion Hānī ibn ‘Urwa, and the revolutionary Mukhtār al-Thaqafī.